Pets & Animals

How Quickly Do Chameleons Grow?

Chameleons Grow! Whether you have a Panther chameleon or a Veiled Nosy Boraha chameleon, these reptile pets are exciting and light up your terrarium.

Determining your chameleon’s growth rate can help you identify and address any potential health issues that arise.

Chameleons of different ages and species grow at different rates, especially in terms of length and weight. Here’s an overview of how fast chameleons grow:

How Long Does It Take for Chameleons to Mature?

Chameleons hatch from their eggs as babies and will become adults within a year. The growth rate is different for each species and is affected by factors like diet, health, and habitat.

You can expect a consistent monthly growth rate within the first ten months. The average growth rate is one to two inches per month, but this figure is for the most common pet chameleon species. Some species are much smaller, so their growth rate will be different. 

You can research how big your chameleon can get to determine the monthly growth rate. Note that growth relies on external factors like diet quality and health conditions, so no two chameleons have identical growth.

Some species grow slower than others but reach full maturity at 12 months. Provided the growth rate is consistent and the chameleon doesn’t show signs of health issues, you have no cause for worry.

Most chameleon species become fully-fledged adults at 18 months, but they attain developmental maturity six months earlier.

How Big Do Chameleons Grow?

The Parson’s chameleon is the largest chameleon ever recorded. Found in the rainforests of Madagascar, adults of this species can measure up to 27 inches from the tip of the nose to the tail.

The Brookesia Nana (nano chameleon) is the smallest ever recorded chameleon, measuring 0.5-1 inch after 12 months. On average, adult males are bigger than females. Most grow to 15 to 20 inches and weigh up to 6.3 ounces (180 grams).

Adult female chameleons typically grow to become 8-10 inches long and weigh up to 4.6 ounces (130 grams). The average size of newly hatched chameleons is 4 inches long.

With more than 200 recorded chameleon species, growth rate and final size vary greatly. Pygmy chameleons can grow to four inches and weigh an ounce, while Senegal chameleons easily attain eight inches.

Veiled Nosy Boraha chameleons, Jackson chameleons, and other species have unique adult links.

What Affects Chameleon Growth Rate?

Chameleons grow at different rates, depending on the species. If the species can only reach four inches by 12 months, you can’t expect a one-inch monthly growth rate.

You can calculate the expected growth rate by comparing the numbers for other similar species. Various factors affect the growth of a chameleon, but you should expect a consistent rate for the first ten months.

The most influential growth factors include food, habitat, water, and disease.

1.    Food & Water

Chameleons are insectivorous and eat from a broad menu of terrestrial insects. Crickets are the most popular food choice available in stores.

You can also feed your chameleon mealworms, super worms, flies, grasshoppers, and months. Chameleons can also eat vegetables rich in vitamin A and calcium.

Providing enough food will help your chameleon grow consistently and attain its full physical potential. You should also make sure water is always available.

2.    Habitat

Set up your chameleon’s terrarium so that it is optimized for growth. Reptiles need a warm and cold section, each with properly regulated temperatures.

You should learn the required daytime and nighttime temperatures the species prefers and invest in an automatic thermostat.

Humidity levels should also remain optimum, and the terrarium should feature enough substrate and plants for the arboreal reptile to climb. You’ll also need UVB light to protect it from having a calcium deficiency.

3.    Disease

Chameleons can get ill, just like all animal species. Some ailments stem from deficiencies, while others are inherited or due to injury or habitat. Illness can slow down metabolic processes and stunt your chameleon’s growth rate.

If the reptile shows signs of distress, is docile, or grows slower than expected, you should get it checked by an expert. Quickly addressing any illnesses or deficiencies allows your chameleon to grow into a healthy adult.

Chameleon Growth Statistics by Species

The seven most common species of chameleons for pets include the Veiled Nosy Boraha, Jackson’s, Panther, Bearded Pygmy, Spectral Pygmy, and Usambara Pitted Pygmy.

Veiled Nosy Boraha adult male chameleons grow to 20 inches, while the females grow to 18 inches. Female Jackson’s chameleons also grow to 10 inches, while the males reach 15 inches.

The male panther reaches 18 inches while the females grow to 14 inches. Pygmy chameleons are the smallest, with the Bearded Pygmy growing to 3.1 inches. Male Spectral and Usambara Pygmy chameleons can grow to 3.9 inches, while the females reach 3.5 inches. Each species has a unique average size and growth rate.

Petting a Nosy Boraha Chameleon

Are you looking to buy a pet Veiled Nosy Boraha Chameleon? The Veiled Chameleon is one of the top petted species and is easy to take care of.

Make sure you get your pet from a reliable shop with certified breeders. You should also learn all the feeding habits and care requirements beforehand so that you’re prepared to provide your pet with the best living conditions.

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